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Hey there, I'm

I'm a bilingual Japanese-American actor, host, and gamer

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character demo

hot off the mic!

action demo

so, here's my story

I'm Mari, a bilingual Japanese-American actor, host, and gamer. I'm a former professional ballerina who crash-landed onto YouTube, finding it the perfect stage to refine my talents as a host and actor. I grew an ensemble gaming channel to over 7MM+ subscribers. Videos I wrote and starred in have amassed over 2B+ views.

My formal theatrical training carved the way for my digital journey and has opened doors to traditional film, voice over, commercial, and television appearances.


From SMOSH to Survivor, YouTube to Netflix, I'm fueled by a passion for storytelling and I'm eager to bring your next creative project to life!

Want the longer version?



Thank you for another incredible year -- see you in '25!



See me on the NAB LIVE show with Nicki Sun on Monday, April 15th


Featured Creator schedule (including panels and meet-and-greets) coming soon. Would love to connect!

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